Bison from the reproduction of the Salon Noir of Niaux Cave
This prehistoric park in the Ariège is a companion site to Niaux and Mas d'Azil caves. The site has an interpretation center that serves as a great introduction to paleolithic life. The real treasure of this site is the gallery of cave art reproductions. The Salon Noir from Niaux is reproduced here as it would have looked when first painted. There are reproductions of drawings and footsteps from a part of Niaux that is not open to the public. There is also a wonderful recreation of an engraved and painted wall from Marsoulas cave, a cave not open to the pubic.
Children can make their own "cave paintings"
The extensive park takes advantage of the beautiful setting with recreations of camp life, a path with the footprints of ice age animals, waterfalls and plenty of walking paths. The full-service restaurant is excellent and has lovely views of the surroundings.
In the summer there are many activities for families, including flint knapping, spear throwing, cave painting and a mock archeological dig. They are closed from November to April.
The interpretation center is wheelchair accessible, but the outdoor park does not have paved paths.
Homepage (French)
Address: off road D223B, 09400 Tarascon-sur-Ariege, France
Services: Free parking, gift shop, restaurant, toilets, free kennels, picnic area