This prehistoric park is the companion of Lascaux II replica cave and is about 15 minutes away by car. There is an exhibition center which tells you about paleolithic life through displays and a 3-D movie but the real treasure here is a replica of two galleries not featured at Lascaux II: the Nave and the Shaft, the latter showing the only human figure in the cave. Le Thot is also a park/zoo with live animals that are similar to their prehistoric forebears, including deer, aurochs, bisons, horses, and they recently added some wolves. 

Reproduction of the panel of the Great Black Cow of Lascaux at Le Thot park

In the summer they offer many hand-on activities for children, such as painting, making fire and throwing spears.

Closed in January. You can buy a combo ticket with Lascaux if you want to see both. 


Hours and prices

Address: off road D706E, 24290 Thonac, France

Services: Free parking, gift shop, picnic area, toilets, playground